What is electric healing? It’s just my catch all phrase for therapy devices that use electricity to help treat and heal the physical body. But it IS a good overarching term for these various therapies and devices. What we are talking about is applying various types of energy, such as light, electricity, sound, ect, as energy to heal the body and promote health and wellness.
This is an emerging paradigm of healing that you will be hearing more and more about as the years go on. At some point it will be well known and well accepted that the primary health model we use will be “electro-chemical” instead of just “bio-chemical.
With that said, I spun off an Amazon affiliate site with my personal picks for electric health related products that you can use to address your various health issues. You will be able to avail yourself of the convenience of Amazon’s fulfillment and delivery, as well as checking out the online reviews of the products.
Please check out my site and feel free to let me know if there are additional products you think should be included, or if there is any way you think the site could be made better. I welcome your input!
Welcome To Electric Healing