Eliminating processed foods and following low glycemic diets are very effective ways to slow down the aging process. Food processing and cooking deplete food of nutrients, so processed food and meat are not healthy choices for an antiaging diet. What’s So Bad About Processed Foods? You’ve probably heard this a million times, that processed foods are causing obesity, colon cancer, diabetes, ect. But you have probably wondered why processing of foods would cause so many … [Continue Reading...]
What is an “Antiaging Hack?”
What is anti aging and what are antiaging hacks?
Why all the fuss over getting older? It's inevitable, so why fight it?
I'll keep it simple and straightforward. Anti-aging is really about being as healthy as you can for as long as you can. That's it! So while aging itself really IS inevitable, the rate that you age is completely under YOUR control!
While "physical immortality" is not possible right now, you CAN extend your lifespan, AND have a much better "quality of life" as well. "Hacking" your unique biological systems allows you to live longer and better and continue to do all the things that make your life enjoyable and satisfying long into advanced age!
So...what exactly are "antiaging hacks?" They are simply tips, products, and strategies that will allow you to improve your overall health, memory, appearance and sex life, as well as staying active and independent for as long as you live.
In the pages and posts of this website, I am going to share the knowledge I have accumulated over many years about antiaging, wellness, and human performance. I will be constantly updating this site as I gain new knowledge, and you get cutting edge information that will help you be the very best that you can be!
Sound good? Then join me on a journey of discovery, where I will give you the tools and knowledge you need to take your health, wellness, and happiness to the next level and beyond!
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Energy Healing Therapy – FSM and Electromedicine
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The Five Tibetan Rites – Ultimate Antiaging Exercise
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