Good carbohydrates are those which have the lowest glycemic index, glycemic load, and contribute the most nutrient and fiber content to your diet. That having been said, this all but eliminates refined carbohydrates, and makes for a low glycemic diet! Good Carbs vs. Bad What makes for a good carbohydrate vs a bad one? In this guide to carbohydrates, I will attempt to sort that out and point you in the right direction. There are a number of things which we will consider … [Continue Reading...]
What is an “Antiaging Hack?”
What is anti aging and what are antiaging hacks?
Why all the fuss over getting older? It's inevitable, so why fight it?
I'll keep it simple and straightforward. Anti-aging is really about being as healthy as you can for as long as you can. That's it! So while aging itself really IS inevitable, the rate that you age is completely under YOUR control!
While "physical immortality" is not possible right now, you CAN extend your lifespan, AND have a much better "quality of life" as well. "Hacking" your unique biological systems allows you to live longer and better and continue to do all the things that make your life enjoyable and satisfying long into advanced age!
So...what exactly are "antiaging hacks?" They are simply tips, products, and strategies that will allow you to improve your overall health, memory, appearance and sex life, as well as staying active and independent for as long as you live.
In the pages and posts of this website, I am going to share the knowledge I have accumulated over many years about antiaging, wellness, and human performance. I will be constantly updating this site as I gain new knowledge, and you get cutting edge information that will help you be the very best that you can be!
Sound good? Then join me on a journey of discovery, where I will give you the tools and knowledge you need to take your health, wellness, and happiness to the next level and beyond!
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Glycemic Load vs. Glycemic Index for Wellness
Glycemic load is a newer and more accurate way of measuring the effect of a meal on your blood sugar level. This new load index uses the carbohydrate count of your foods to determine how glycemic the meal really is. The Glycemic Index Revisited When the glycemic index was new, it really was a novel way of going about controlling blood sugar level. However times have changed, and there is a new game in town! The glycemic index is still valuable, but now there is a better … [Continue Reading...]
Genetically Modified Foods – Health Risks of Transgenic Organisms
Genetically modified foods are at the heart of controversy involving science and our food supply. Transgenic organisms have for the first time been introduced into the human food supply and we really don’t know what the consequences are for introducing the transgenic organism into our food supply. What are GMO Foods? The term genetically modified foods is usually used to refer to crops which have been genetically modified by making changes to their DNA structure, … [Continue Reading...]
Food Combining Principles for Antiaging
Food combining is a dietary concept that involves eating proteins, carbohydrates, and fats at different times so that the digestion time for meals is reduced. This diet is also known as the Hay Diet, after it’s inventor Dr. Howard Hay. History of The Hay Diet and Food Combining In 1908 Dr Hay sought to relieve his symptoms of Bright’s Disease and a dilated heart through improving digestion time and efficiency with principles called for eating carbohydrates and proteins … [Continue Reading...]
Fitness Flexibility – Prevent Aging Related Stiffness
Fitness flexibility is the amount of natural flexibility you need for the normal tasks and activities you do during the course of your life. To be fit in a general sense is to have all the functional capacity you need for normal living. The limitations imposed on you primarily by joint pain stiffness is what I will focus on. Flexibility exercise, nutrition, and supplementation are factors you will use to your advantage. Let’s look at causes and remedies for age related … [Continue Reading...]